Breastfeeding: Health for Mom and babies Did You Care Life Healthy?: Breastfeeding: Health for Mom and babies

Friday, November 11, 2011

Breastfeeding: Health for Mom and babies

The breast-feeding can protects cyour  babies. Early maternal milk is liquid gold - known like liquid gold, colostro (coh-LOSS) is the first maternal milk of the heavy yellow that you do immediately during pregnancy and after birth. This milk is very rich in foods and antibodies to protect its baby. Although his baby obtains only one small amount of colostro in each feeding, matches the amount that its very small stomach can carry out. (The visit how to know his baby it is being able the enough milk to consider hardly how he is small is its new born belly)
Baby enjoy breast feeding
    Its maternal milk changes as his baby grows - changes of colostro in what mature milk is called. By the third a fifth day after the birth, this mature maternal milk has as soon as the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein to help its baby to continue growing. It is a finer type of milk than colostro, but it provides all foods and antibodies its necessities of the baby.
    Maternal milk is easier to specially digest - it stops most of the babies - premature babies - maternal milk is easier to digest than formula. The proteins in formula become of the milk of the cow and takes the time for stomachs from the babies los' to fit to digest them.
    Maternal milk fight disease - the cells, the hormones, and the maternal milk antibodies protect to babies against disease. This protection is unique; the formula cannot match the chemical maquillaje of human maternal milk. In fact, between formula-it fed babies, infections of the ear and the diarrea is commonest. Formula-it also fed babies have higher risks of:
        Enterocolitis (nek-roh-TEYE-zing) of necrotización (in-TUR-OH-COH-LYT-iss), a disease that affects the gastrointestinal apparatus in infants of preterm.
        Lower the respiratory infections
        Type 2 diabetes
    A certain investigation demonstrates that the breast-feeding can also reduce the risk of the diabetes of type 1, of the leukemia of the childhood, and the atópico dermatitis (a type of skin eruption) in babies. The breast-feeding also has been demonstrated to lower the SIDS risk (sudden infantile syndrome of the death).

Advantage of the mothers of the breast-feeding. The life can be easier when you nurse - the breast-feeding can take a little more effort than the formula that it feeds at the outset. But it can make easier life once you and his settle of the baby in a good routine. The plus, when you nurse, there is not no bottles and entrerrosca to sterilize. You do not have to buy, to measure, and to mix formula.  And are bottles no to warm up itself at night in means! You can immediately satisfy the hunger with your baby when nursing.
    The breast-feeding can save the money - the formula and the power supplies can cost well on $1,500 every year, depending on how much it eats his baby. Los bebés criados al pecho son también enfermo menos a menudo, que puede bajar costes del cuidado médico.
    El amamantamiento puede sentirse grande - el contacto físico es importante para los recién nacidos. Puede ayudarles a sentirse más seguros, calientes, y confortó. Las madres pueden beneficiar de esta proximidad, también. El amamantamiento requiere a madre tomar un cierto tiempo relajado reservado para enlazar. El contacto de la piel-a-piel puede alzar los niveles del oxytocin de la madre (OKS-ee-TOH-suhn). El Oxytocin es una hormona que ayuda a la leche para fluir y puede calmar a la madre.
    Breastfeeding can be good for the mother’s health, too – Breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of these health problems in women:
        Type 2 diabetes
        Breast cancer
        Ovarian cancer
        Postpartum depression
    Experts are still looking at the effects of breastfeeding on osteoporosis and weight loss after birth. Many studies have reported greater weight loss for breastfeeding mothers than for those who don’t. But more research is needed to understand if a strong link exists.
    Mothers miss less work – Breastfeeding mothers miss fewer days from work because their infants are sick less often.

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